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Dr Himadri Chakrabarty attends course on Smylist Technique

Prof. Dr. Himadri Chakrabarty attended the first ever course called the Indian Smylist Academy on the Smylist Method by renowned Hungarian denstist Dr. Maria Csillag. The course was organised by Dr Ajay Kakar and Mona Kakar and their team.

Dr Himadri Chakrabarty doing the course on Smylist Technique of Smile design.

In the course Dr Csillag highlighted the fact that there is a deep coordination between our teeth and gum and the muscle functions of our whole body. As a matter of fact many symptoms like pain in the knee, unexplained and nagging shoulder and back ache, chronic acidity, regular severe migraine attacks or premature ageing can be the result of an imperfect bite. More precisely the way our upper and lower teeth meet. All these symptoms can be understood and eliminated with the Smylist technique.

Dr. Maria Csillag has revolutionized the field of aesthetic dentistry. She and her team has created the Smylist® Aesthetic Design Software. It smplifies the life of a smile design dentist and makes the patient’s life more happy.

Dr Himadri Chakrabarty with Dr Mária Csillag after the course  on Smylist Technique.

The software helps to create amazing design in minutes, helps to make 2D-3D solutions, individual midline, precisely set occlusal plane, minimizes mistakes and creates perfect aesthetic and function.

The course has enabled Dr Chakrabarty to learn to serve every element of complex aesthetic design from diagnostics to planning.

Click to learn more on Smylist Technique