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Gum treatment with LASER

Gum disease is an inflammation of the gum line that can progress to affect the bone that surrounds and supports your teeth. Generally affecting adults in their 30s and 40s, periodontal diseases are caused due to a number of reasons, such as poor oral health, genetic susceptibility, and chronic illnesses like diabetes, smoking, and certain medications.

Gum disease is caused by a sticky film of bacteria called plaque. Plaque is always forming on your teeth, but if they aren’t cleaned well, the bacteria in plaque can cause your gums to become inflamed. When this happens, your gums will pull away from your teeth and form spaces called pockets. Plaque then gets trapped in those pockets and cannot be removed with regular brushing. If untreated, gum disease could lead to bone and tooth loss.

LASER Treatment is an advanced technique to treat periodontal (gum) disease and save many teeth that were previously considered hopeless. A laser light is used to gently remove harmful bacteria and diseased tissue from the gum pocket. This allows the body to heal naturally so that the gum pockets improve and the teeth become more stable. The LASER is a wonderful tool that will help many patients bring themselves to a more healthy state. 

It potentially offers a more comfortable treatment option for a number of dental procedures involving soft tissue compared to other non-laser tools. LASER-assisted procedures offer a less painful, more successful treatment alternative to conventional surgery.